Thursday 16 February 2012

Thursday, 16th February, 2012.

Glenda & Diane at Trivia evening.

Diane, me & Jonesy with my paper plane!

World's worst paper plane launch.
It's hard to believe that I have been here in Australia for a week now. During that time I have managed to get my head down to some serious work on my writing, as well as enjoying the life here in an Australian summer.

The weather has been very changeable in so much that it has gone from hot and sunny to hot and wet within a short period of time. Locals tell me that this has been one of the wettest and coolest summers for many years. Temperatures are apparently well down on average at between 24c and 27c! Call me old fashioned but that seems pretty damn hot. I guess that daytime temperatures in the mid to high 30's would represent a somewhat different average.

I have become a regular for 'Team Cluless, for the weekly Pub Trivia and a temporary member of the Planet Fitness gym, although I have only been once so far. I have managed just the one swim to date, been 'power walking at the crack of dawn and managed to get sunburnt by underestimating the power of the sun!

On a negative note, I am currently suffering from gout in the big toe of my right foot. This is incredibly painful and has reduced me to a slow hobble. Hopefully the anti-inflammatory tablets that the pharmacist recommended and the ice treatment will see me back to normal mobility within a few days.

Not much else to report for now so g'day from Down Under.

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