Wednesday 7 March 2012

Thursday, 08th March, 2012.

Not much to report from Fosky Down Under at this time. The weather has been changeable and this morning it was only16c so a jumper was called for. (I'm a softie, I know!).

Some parts of southern N.S.W. have had as much rain in the last week as in the whole of a normal year, so it's not surprising that they have had some devastating floods to contend with. The area around Narrandera where I visited last week, has really suffered and compulsory evacuations have been ordered by the SES (State Emergency Services). It was really quite eye opening to see at first hand how the tropical style downpours so quickly cause rivers to burst their banks and flood, what is mainly, a very flat landscape.

Southern N.S.W. tends to be a very rural area so you can imagine the cost to landholders in crops and their poor livestock. It was necessary in some cases to destroy livestock rather than leave them to drown.

In politics here, the ruling Labour Party have been undergoing a leadership referendum. The former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, who was deposed by his then deputy Julia Gillard in 2010, had an eye on regaining top spot. In a rather acrimonious campaign, Rudd was heavily defeated and has pledged not to contest the leadership again, at least whilst Gillard is still in office.

It would appear that whilst not all of the Labour supporters see Gillard as an ideal leader, enough see her as a better prospect of defeating the Liberal/Conservative opposition leader Tony Abbott in the 2013 elections. As with many countries, the Labour party here were elected without a clear majority, being propped up by independent parties siding with them.

All world governments face tough economic times and decisions and everyone has an opinion on how their country should be run. Who would be a politician? Well the money appears to be good and you seem to be able to misuse your expenses and...mustn't be cynical now, must I!

I am a month into my sojourn here in Australia already. It has gone so quickly it doesn't seem possible. I have been so fortunate to have been welcomed so warmly by people here and this inclusion in their daily lives has undoubtedly contributed to the speed in which my time has passed. Thank you. 

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